With Coronavirus on the stroll, there are a lot of apprehensions regarding how to embrace the new normal of living. It is not only travelling that is under scanner, but people are also thinking twice to go to restaurants and bars. However, in all this, some innovative concepts are creeping up to give a whiff of how the new normal would look like. Such is the case with Brooklyn Dumpling Shop in New York that is setting new standards and examples for others to follow. Check out what will make this restaurant in Lower Manhattan a one-of-its-kind in this time of crisis.
Brooklyn Dumpling Shop is being planned to open in the East Village, later this year. As per its website, it calls itself the first
Zero Human Interaction (Z.H.I.) restaurant experience. Here, instead of counter servers, waiters, and limited other customers inside the place at any point of time, diners will also be able to use self-cleaning food lockers and contact-free ordering to have scrumptious dumplings whenever they want.

Referring to this, Stratis Morfogen, the restaurant owner stated that he wanted all the staff and guests to be protected at all costs. He added that as the city looks forward to safest options to reopen restaurants and bars after the coronavirus lockdown, it is likely that automated restaurants may be in vogue again.
Reportedly, not more than two diners will be allowed to enter the restaurant at a time to place their orders, which means one will have to wait for some time to place his order. Further, when diners enter, they will pass under UV lights and metal detectors, so that their temperatures are detected. And then, if the visitor is deemed safe to enter the restaurant, he can go to the self-serve kiosk inside and place an order. Cooks will be delivering their food into the lockers.
Further, for safety measures, the restaurant will be using other mechanisms to ensure people’s safety. Reportedly, it will be using triple-filter air-conditioning, disinfectant strips to keep the space clean, and using antibacterial silicone shoe coverings.
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