Eiffel Tower finally reopens after a hiatus of three months. This famous landmark of Paris is the world’s most visited paid monument, and sees a footfall of around 7 million visitors every year. Today after reopening, it welcomed a dozen visitors, after remaining in lockdown to contain the spread of COVID-19.
However, there is a catch. Elevators are out of service as of now, which means, visitors will now be able to access the tower floors only via stairs. Elevators, for the time being, are off-limits to ensure people are able to maintain safe distance from each other. Further, visitors will not be allowed to go above the second floor, and anyone below the age of 11, will be required to wear a face covering.
There are 674 steps that take visitors up the second floor. Although the stairway to the top is never open to the public, taking stairs to that floor takes around 45 min.
Today, the first set of visitors were allowed in from 10 AM, and it was a symbolic moment as France gradually started to open up for tourism after the virus shut down. Keen tourists were able to grab their tickets on June 18, when the online ticket office opened for bookings.
Talking about the security measures, an operator stated that to ensure ascending and descending visitors do not meet in the stairs, ascent will take place from the East pillar, whereas they will descend by the West pillar. Also, only a limited number of visitors will be allowed per floor at a time.
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