Popular for its ancient buildings, scenic landscapes and impressive cliffs, Malta is ready to welcome tourists once again after being declared Coronavirus-free.
Malta, an independent Mediterranean island, will restart its tourism activities from July 1. It will permit nationals from 22 European countries from the given date. By July 15, travel restrictions on other flight destinations will also get lifted.
Malta International Airport will also restart operations from July. However, tourists will be made to go through mandatory thermal screening at the airport.
All visitors will have to fill in a self-declaration form, mentioning their travel history of the last 30 days. They won’t be asked to undergo quarantine though. Wearing face shields or masks in limited spaces where physical distancing is not assured would be mandatory; only in exceptional situations, this rule shall be relaxed. Tourists would have to maintain a distance of at least two metres from each other.
Reportedly, Malta would operate ferries and boats to Comino and Gozo Islands according to the usual schedule, along with public transport running across the islands as per their normal time.
The Government of Malta had to close commercial flight operations on March 20 due to the pandemic.
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