The middle east gets its very first digital passport experience as Qatar Airways begins trial for the same. The IATA Travel Pass Digital Passport is an application that has been developed in collaboration with the International Air Transport Association, Qatar Ministry of Public Health, Primary Health Care Corporation, and Hamad Medical Corporation.
The first group of passengers for Qatar Airways’ Digital Passport experience is going to be for passengers of Doha to Istanbul flight. The application aims to make the process of travel seamless, with more security, besides being contactless.
The travel pass has been developed so as to ensure that passengers get all updated information on COVID-19 health regulations for their destination country. Moreover, this app will also provide COVID-19 test results with the airlines in order to verify the flying status of passengers.

Qatar Airways’ Group Chief Executive, Akbar Al Baker said in a statement, “As the world’s leading airline for safety, innovation and customer experience, we are the industry’s firmest advocate for introducing digital solutions to help passengers safely and seamlessly navigate complex and ever-changing entry restrictions across the globe.”
He further went on to say, “With the strictest data privacy regulations, IATA Travel Pass is a huge step towards proving that ICAO’s global standards for digital passports do work. It will also assist in laying the foundation for governments across the world to come together in the development of standardised regulations to reduce the current patchwork of red tape across the international travel industry. In partnership with the World Health Organisation, IATA is also engaged in helping to define a standardised vaccine certificate that will be necessary for the opening of borders and scalable increase of global travel.”
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