Stargazing these days is fun, as spotting constellations has never been so easier, with less air pollution around due to the obvious reason, the nationwide lockdown.
In fact, the quarantine days turned brighter on certain days when news from many quarters, stating mountain ranges and wildlife being spotted, started pouring in. Likewise, sky gazers will be in for a lot of surprises this week. Reportedly, quite a lot of celestial events are supposed to take place there this week, from meteoroid showers to planets aligning with the Moon.
Last month, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and Moon staged a spectacular event by hanging up close to one another for three days. A similar event is going to take place again on May 12, when Jupiter, Saturn, and Moon will be coming together within a circle of less than five degrees wide. And the most interesting thing about this is it will be visible in the eastern sky early in the morning.

This rare event known as a
Conjunction, and it happens when one or two planets come closer to one another or to the Moon. One would be able to see this phenomenon without a telescope.
This spectacular view can be enjoyed even with binoculars for better viewing experience. This event will take place between May 11 and May 13, but will be best visible on May 12.
As per an astronomy professor at the New York University, the coming together of Jupiter, Saturn, and Moon might look like a smiley face in the Northern Hemisphere, whereas those looking at it from the Southern Hemisphere, might view it as an upside-down smiley face. However, it will not be visible to the naked eye before 7:30 PM IST.
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