It’s International Astronomy Day today and people, though under lockdown, have a clear sky to gaze at. This year, the month of May has brought with it some amazing stargazing moments, which includes three eclipses, the last supermoon of the year and two meteor showers. For skywatchers, this is the perfect opportunity to enjoy their favourite activity. So let’s see how and when we can watch all these amazing celestial events from our rooftops and balconies.
May 5, Eta Aquariid Meteor Shower: As per NASA’s Meteoroid Environment Office, May 5 will see a great meteor show. Though it won’t be that bright but meteors in this shower will be fast and faint, so those watching it will have to continue to keep looking at the sky, without blinking, if possible.
May 7, Last Supermoon of 2020 (Super Flower Moon): The fourth and the last supermoon of the year, this one is also called the Super Flower Moon, will be seen on May 7. The moon will be brighter than it’s normal self this day. So, be ready with all your camera equipment as the next supermoon won’t happen a very long time after this day. The next full moon supermoon will take place in April 2021.
May 12, Jupiter and moon encounter: The morning of May 12 will witness a close encounter between moon and Jupiter. Sky gazers would be able to see this celestial happening from a bit after midnight to dawn from a telescope and binoculars too.
May 14: Mars and Moon encounter: On May 14, people could see the moon approach Mars, just before dawn. The moon and Mars will come in close contact and one would be able to spot this celestial event with naked eyes too.
There will be some more celestial events in the months of June and July.
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