Visitors and tourists will be able to enter Dubai from July 7. It is gearing up to woo residents and tourists with campaigns that will benefit both hotels and retailers as it reopens tomorrow.
Reportedly, Dubai will kick off its annual shopping festival, i.e., the Dubai Summer Surprises on July 9, in which new experiences will be offered to visitors as malls will start operating at full capacity. This was stated by the Dubai Tourism on Saturday.
Referring to this, Director General of Dubai Tourism Helal Saeed Almarri said that now, as they are set to reopen the city to tourists, they are also encouraged by the success of the strong procedures that they implemented across sectors that have reinforced Dubai’s commitment to the health and safety of visitors when they start arriving from July 7. He added that this development will spearhead the growth of the tourism sector in Dubai.
Further, Dubai was recognised as a ‘Safe Destination’ by the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) on July 3.
The World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) has recognised #Dubai as a safe destination, giving the city a Safe Travels stamp that validates the stringent hygiene and safety protocols that the city has put in place, as it prepares to welcome tourists back on 7 July.
— Dubai Media Office (@DXBMediaOffice) July 3, 2020
Now, those visiting Dubai need to follow certain steps:·You need to find out whether you can get a visa on arrival, or will need to apply via Dubai immigration before you travel.
- You will have to declare that you will bear all the costs, if any, for treatment and isolation if required.
- Check that you have travel insurance that covers COVID-19, and will need to present the insurance certificate at check-in.
- Don’t forget to take a PCR test 96 hours before your flight, and get a negative COVID-19 test certificate for yourself. This will apply to all passengers, including children.
- If you fail to take a PCR test in your home country, you will need to take one on arrival in Dubai. You will then be required to self-isolate until you receive your test result.
- You will be allowed to leave your hotel after your test result comes negative.
- However, if your test result comes positive, you need to follow the advice of the Dubai Health Authority and stay in self-isolation.
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