A double-decker seating arrangement could be the future of air travel


A double-decker seating arrangement could be the future of air travel

Travel after COVID-19 is looking a lot different, and the travel sector is slowly returning to business now. You might soon hear something exciting when it comes to flying in an aircraft, as airplane seating might be changed forever. And of course at a time when social distancing onboard is much needed during travel, designer Jeffery O’Neill has come up with a lie-flat Zephyr seat in aeroplanes. This brand new idea is set to follow a seating configuration of 2-4-2.

According to reports, this will look like double-decker lie-flat seats for premium economy range, and could solve the issue of flying amidst a pandemic. After all, we are seriously concerned about getting infected or infecting others, so what is the real solution?

A double-decker seating arrangement could be the future of air travel

O’Neill reaches out to his bus journey through Argentina for inspiration where there were bed bunks to sleep on. A luxury compared to his air journeys, and since then the idea has been slowly developing. The double-decker seating is right between the lower seat, and the overhead bin, and this creates two levels of seating.

O’Neill also says that this double-decker seating style could even lead to more passenger leg room. As of now, he has pitched the idea to four major airlines. Of course, it is a long road to developing this seating arrangement in aircrafts, and not without safety tests, etc.

The Zephyr seats could potentially solve the issue of social distancing onboard, give you enough leg-room, and also an exciting new seating arrangement.

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