The Dallas-Fort Worth airport has suddenly come under the spotlight, as it has now become the busiest airport in the world during the COVID-19 times. The airport has reached this momentous stage in its existence now by operating more flights than anywhere else in the world. The airport located in Texas, United States, is now an airport that has the most number of takeoffs, and landings in the world for the past few months.
It has been on the top spot since the month of May, when it completed 22831 takeoffs and landings, more than any other airport in the world. Of course, it was during a time when most countries were under a lockdown and air travel was seemingly impossible. The Dallas-Fort Worth airport beat other busy airports in the country, including the Chicago O’Hare and the Charlotte Douglas International Airport in North Carolina.
During the lockdown period, there was a low demand for flights, and hence the number of flights were also reduced. Then passengers had to reroute through airports such as Dallas-Fort Worth, and hence their traffic increased exponentially. Charlotte, on the other hand, is also another busy hub close to Dallas-Fort Worth. Both of these airports have an increased number of passengers, and increased number of flights. These two are factors that determine which airport is the busiest.
Airports in cities such as London, Tokyo, Dubai, and Chicago are usually the busiest airports year-round. But, due to the ongoing pandemic, most airports are seeing reduced passenger traffic. Amidst all of this, the Dallas-Fort Worth has come right on top as the airport that is most in demand.
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