Watch out for special Lyrids meteor shower on the night of April 23 in India


Watch out for special Lyrids meteor shower on the night of April 23 in India

With the air cleaner than ever before these days due to decreased air pollution levels, it is a pleasure for many people living in populated Indian cities to go stargazing from the terrace of their home at night. Unlike earlier, we can clearly see the stars we had probably last seen two decades ago, and read about some only in the science text books in the school. Today, you have a chance to take up your stargazing experience to the next level by being a witness to a meteor shower tonight on April 23.

The Lyrids meteor will make themselves visible in the moon-less sky of April 23. These are the oldest shooting stars in the history of Earth, which were seen about 2700 years ago. As per the website of NASA (, the Lyrids Meteor Shower was first seen by the Chinese in the year 687 BC.
The website states that each year, the earth crosses the trail of space debris made by the Thatcher comet. Once the remnants of the space debris come in contact with the earth’s atmosphere, they break-up into colourful and fiery shooting stars.

Watch out for special Lyrids meteor shower on the night of April 23 in India

As per reports, the Lyrids meteor shower can also be seen in India, more so, for the residents of Hyderabad. It will reach the peak in the night between April 22 and 23 in the city. The best timings to watch this occurrence is from 10 PM to 4 AM (IST). Reportedly, it is likely that more than 18 meteors per hour can be seen during the peak timing of the shower from Hyderabad.

Those who are living in other towns and cities of India can also go up to the terrace of their residence building or balcony to try their luck.

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