According to the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), almost one-third of total world travel destinations are currently closed to international travel. Even though we might think that things are going back to normal, it is far from true. Especially give the fact that the new COVID-19 strain is causing fresh concerns for authorities across the world.
While certain governments have been easing restrictions, the new report suggests that one out of three destinations are currently closed for travel. Most of these countries have been shut since April 27 the last year.
Most of these tourist destinations that are currently closed are in Europe, the Pacific, and Asia. The report also says that countries such as Albania, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, North Macedonia, and Tanzania are lifting travel related restrictions already. The travel restrictions were in place in order to restrict the spread of the virus, and according to the UNWTO Secretary-General, Zurab Polilikashvili, as nations are now beginning to restart work on tourism, we must also recognise that restrictions are just one part of the solution.
34 percent of the total worldwide destinations are partially closed to tourists. Zurab Polilikashvili said in a statement, “Travel restrictions have been widely used to restrict the spread of the virus. Now, as we work to restart tourism, we must recognise that restrictions are just one part of the solution. Their use must be based on the latest data and analysis and consistently reviewed so as to allow for the safe and responsible restart of a sector upon which many millions of businesses and jobs depend.”
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