This pay-as-you-like, single table-chair restaurant will serve only one guest in a day


This pay-as-you-like, single table-chair restaurant will serve only one guest in a day

The current Coronavirus crisis in the world has forced restaurant businesses to put their most creative ideas forward. One such new way to serve diners has emerged in Sweden.

Sweden is one of the destinations in the world that has remained largely safe from COVID-19 pandemic. However, to cope up, the country is encouraging social distancing rather than enforcing a mandatory lockdown.

Although several restaurants, cafés and bars in Sweden continue to function in a regular way, they have, however, removed one alternate seat to implement social distancing.

Yet, there is one restaurant that has come out with an out-of-the-box concept of single person dining, in line with the concept of social distancing.

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RISTORANTI: IN SVEZIA APRE UN LOCALE CON UN UNICO TAVOLO PER UNA PERSONA Misure anti #Coronavirus estreme: in #Svezia apre un #ristorante con un unico #tavolo, per una sola persona e in mezzo a un #campo. In Svezia hanno preso sul serio le norme di #distanziamento #sociale nei locali e nei ristoranti! Il #locale in questione si chiama #Bordför en e si trova nel bel mezzo della #campagna del villaggio di #Ransäter. L’idea di questo ristorante è venuta a #LindaKarlsson e allo #chef #RasmusPersson che abitano in una #fattoria vicina. Il #cliente prenota il pasto preferito (#colazione, #pranzo o #cena). I gestori gli spiegano come raggiungere il tavolo, collocato nel bel mezzo di un campo, senza avere nessun contatto con altre persone. Una volta arrivato sul posto, il cliente troverà un tavolo con una #sedia. Il #pasto di tre portate viene servito anche esso senza contatto con altre persone: un cestino da #picnic viene portato al tavolo tramite un cavo connesso alla finestra della #cucina. Una volta che il cliente avrà mangiato e sarà andato via, Linda e Rasmus aspetteranno poi sei ore prima di pulire e #igienizzare tavolo e sedia, in modo che tutto sia sicuro per il cliente del giorno dopo. Per quanto riguarda il #menu, sarà di stampo #vegetariano e varierà a seconda delle materie prime di #stagione: Ovviamente il tutto non è stato studiato per arricchirsi visto che bisognerebbe far pagare tantissimo a quell’unico cliente. Anzi: sarà il cliente a stabilire l’#importo da #pagare, senza alcun obbligo. Altro che #plexiglass!

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The next obvious question is –how will this concept work? Well, as per the plan, only one customer will be served in a day. The person will be seated in the middle of a field with a serving basket linked to a rope.

Named as Bord för En, which translates to Table for One, the service has been scheduled to open on May 10 and remain open till August 1, 2020

The restaurant will have a single chair and table in a field in Värmland, Sweden. This restaurant is the brainchild of Rasmus Persson and Linda Karlsson. The idea came up when Persson and Karlsson followed social distancing while visiting Karlsson’s parents for lunch. Former Chef Persson cooked lunch and served it through a window to his in-laws and spouse, who were seated at a nice dining table outside.

And now, this COVID-19-safe restaurant has a website ahead of its opening date. Karlsson also told the press that this restaurant will wash the dishes twice in a day, and also sanitise the table.

The owners will be keeping the cuisine on the menu seasonal and locally farmed. Surprisingly, another best feature about this novel dining concept is that the guest can decide the price they would like to pay for their meal! The reason owners have not put a price on any dish on their menu is due to their concern for the financial and emotional turmoil being faced by the people for loss of jobs, lives and peace of mind.

A sit-down meal to spend quality time with your own self without the compulsion of paying a bomb–what more can one ask for?

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