Amid the COVID-19 lockdown in India, a number of people are struggling to meet their daily needs such as grocery and medicines. While a number of cities are still trying to come up with solutions, Gurugram has come up with a brilliant idea and introduced a ‘Mobile Grocery Bus’ that is offering home delivery services of all essential food items. This way, people are safe inside their houses and only few people are needed for the job.
Gurugram residents can now easily order fruits, vegetables, packaged foods such as noodles, biscuits and breads. This bus is delivering everything at the doorstep of people living in societies.
Most people in the country are still struggling with the 21-day Coronavirus lockdown to meet their daily needs as most online services have stopped operating. They are either out of stock or are taking several days to make the deliveries.
Thus, MCG Gurugram decided to take a different approach to reach out to its residents in need. This mobile bus is government-approved and is loaded with groceries. The bus visits each locality in Gurugram to supply all essentials like atta, ghee, Maggi, oils, pulses, soaps and hand wash. This is not all as all these products are being offered at much cheaper prices than the MRP.
To avail the mobile bus service, residents will have to contact Residents Welfare Association (RWA) and send their requirements on this email ([email protected]). And the mobile grocery bus will reach with the supplies!
This is one of the best ways of maintaining social distancing without compromising on people’s daily needs. In fact, other cities too must follow suit and find a similar solution to serve their residents.
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