As reports of a new strain of COVID-19 comes to light, Saudi Arabia has suspended all international flights for this week. The suspension can be extended for another week, depending on the situation. The news has been confirmed by Saudi Arabia’s General Authority of Civil Aviation. The new strain that has rocketed the cases of virus has been found in Britain. Italy too has reported the emergence of this new strain of Coronavirus.
The Saudi Press Agency said in a statement, “Entry to the kingdom through land and sea ports will also be suspended for a week, which can be extended by another week.”
However, it has also been reported that the suspension of flights does not extend to international flights that are currently within the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Hence, they will be permitted to leave the country. The new strain of virus has been termed out of control, and is leading to a large number of cases in Britain.
The new strain of virus is known as VUI-202012/01, and is a set of 17 mutations. The virus can become more infectious, and has been seen to spread more easily between two persons.
Passengers who are arriving in Saudi Arabia from Europe or any other country, where the strain has been detected, are required to self-isolate for two weeks and also undergo tests.
Italy too now has a patient with the new strain. Hence, it is advisable to travel to Europe unless it is an absolute emergency.
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