In a major turn, Rio de Janeiro has announced that it will not reopen its beaches until there’s a COVID-19 vaccine. The announcement was made by Rio’s Mayor Marcelo Crivella during a press conference, where he said that none of the famous beaches in the city will officially reopen until there is a vaccine available to the public.
Earlier this month, Rio had reopened all its beaches for the public. All the water sports were made available, but people were seen breaking the rules. A lot of beachgoers were noticed without face masks, and were not following social distancing rules, which is not acceptable in the current situation.
The Mayor also said that starting this weekend, there will be fines for people breaking the rules. He said, “Where you can’t use masks, the inclination is to only return [to the beaches] when there is a vaccine, which is being tested, or when contamination is close to zero. On the beach, you don’t use a mask and the level of infection goes up.”
From the past few days, Brazil has been lifting restrictions slowly. Even bars and restaurants were allowed to reopen. However, people failed to follow the COVID-19 safety measures and police were called several times at various establishments.
Given the condition, the Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro made it essential to wear a facemask even in closed spaces with big groups, such as churches and schools. Though the country has closed its borders for international travellers, the numbers of COVID-19 positive is increasing at an alarming rate in Brazil.
As of now, Brazil is the second-worst-hit country in the world after the USA with COVID-19 pandemic. Till date, more than 2.45 million people in the country have reported positive for Coronavirus, while 87748 have lost their lives to the virus.
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