Flight operations at the Pune airport will remain suspended during night for a year. Reportedly, all flights that are scheduled between 8 PM and 8 AM at Pune’s Lohegaon Airport will now be rescheduled during the day, as the Indian Airforce will start re-carpeting the runway from October 26.
Referring to this, Pune Airport Director Kuldip Singh said that since work has been planned to be carried out during night, the runway will remain shut for flight operations for almost all year.
As per the latest reports, despite the partial resumption of domestic flights, the Pune airport has witnessed less than a third of passenger traffic as compared to pre-pandemic levels. Further explaining how COVID 19 impacted air travel drastically, director Singh added that in 2018-19, the airport witnessed a passenger footfall of 9 million during the peak time, whereas in Jan-Feb 2020, the footfall of passengers dropped to just 2000-3000. He added that until September, the airport has witnessed around 1.63 lakh passengers and 1948 flights operated from Pune.
An official in the know-how added that around 26 nighttime flights have been shifted to daytime slots. The increasing number of flights have made the construction of a new terminal and runway expansion mandatory.
Meanwhile, Airports Authority of India (AAI) stated that keeping in mind the growing traffic from Pune, AAI’s Pune Airport has started working on a Multi-Level Car Parking (MLCP), including two basements and rising three levels above ground floo. It will in future facilitate the travel of people and also add to airport facilities.
Further, both domestic and international flights operate from the Pune airport, especially to West Asia.
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