Paris never ceases to surprise with its brilliant ideas. With the European Union (EU) reopening borders for tourism, Paris is expecting things to be normal at a slow but steady pace. Thankfully, the Mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo doesn’t wish to normalise car traffic. Hidalgo has announced her latest goal for the city, which is banning most vehicles by next year.
The plan is to cover most of Paris’s prime city center, and restrict traffic in that region. It means that it would be illegal to drive across the city center without stopping. This plan would alone eliminate 55 percent of total traffic, which is nearly 100,000 cars, from passing through on a daily basis.
Only resident’s vehicles would be allowed in the area along with short-term hotel guests. Exceptions would be made for people with disabilities, and vehicles used for public transit, deliveries, or services.
As the world is struggling with climate changes, such changes are mandatory to reduce the noise and pollution. The Mayor expects to create more space for trees, pedestrian-only regions, and bicycle lanes.
Apparently, diesel cars are already banned from the city’s beltway, and green areas are being expanded in the city. But, as the city begins to reopen, and people are returning to their offices, Hidalgo wants to cut down the number of cars honking in the city once again.
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