The iconic Jurassic World has found its way to Orlando’s Universal in the form of a roller coaster. The latest entry to the theme park, VelociCoaster, will open this week. The new entry promises unbeatable thrills and experiences. Not only this, it is going to be Florida’s fastest and tallest launch coaster, and the world’s first roller coaster based on the film franchise!
The interesting ride will feature high-speed launches and it will take riders to 70 miles per hour in just 2.4 seconds, which sounds absolutely enthralling! There’s also a “top hat” which will take visitors 155 ft into the air before dropping at a 80-degree, the Universal’s steepest roller coaster fall!
As per local news, the latest Jurassic World VelociCoaster is the most thrilling ride created by Universal ever! The ride will be added in the Jurassic Park land at Universal’s Islands of Adventure.
As of now, the land already has a Jurassic Park-themed water ride known as Jurassic Park River Adventure and a Raptor Encounter. Here guests can get close with a velociraptor.
All the amusement parks across the globe were shut down last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. All the fans of theme parks were left sad and kept thinking when new attractions and rides would open.
But now, things are gradually getting back to normal and theme parks in the US are ready to reopen once again.
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