Odisha is all set to host the 3rd National Chilika Bird Festival from January 8 to January 10. The three-day festival will celebrate around 10 lakh birds that visit this spot during the winters.
Referring to this, Odisha Tourism tweeted, “Don’t miss birding at the protected bird sanctuary Nalabana #Chilika. The only time of the year you can visit Nalabana is during the festival,” while requesting people to register for the bird festival.
As per the Odisha Tourism, in the North Eastern Part of Chilika, Mangalajodi is known as the Birds Paradise of Asia, and that is because of a primary reason, i.e., lakhs of migratory visitors from all over the world throng this spot during winters. It is also a photographer’s paradise as birds can be seen up close during this time.
🦆3 DAYS to GO!
LAST DAY TO REGISTER for the #3rdNationalChilikaBirdFestival : 8th Jan’21 – 10th Jan’21. Stay with us as wildlife enthusiasts, bird watchers and wildlife photographers explore India’s Best Kept Secret at #Chilika & #Nalabana https://t.co/OKnPXICx3L#OdishaTourism pic.twitter.com/03kOuigrEQ— Odisha Tourism (@odisha_tourism) January 5, 2021
This place also serves as a major stopover for migratory birds from the sub-arctic and arctic regions during their return and onward migration along the east coast. Since it is a major congregation site for migratory birds, it has been recognized as a wetland of international importance under the Ramsar convention.
Further, since Mangalajodi freshwater wetland and Nalabana Island form part of the Chilika lake, they have been identified as Important Bird Areas (IBA).
If you are lucky, you will not only spot nesting colonies of variety colourful birds, but might even get to witness exotic birds like Godwits, Sandpipers, Terns, Gulls, Plovers, rare Grey-headed Lapwings, Ruddy turnstone, Pintails, Shulkers, Ruddy Shelducks, Baillon’s Crakes, Greater Painted Snipes, and slaty-breasted Rails.
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