New York City is all set to put up a blockbuster show this summer! The state is preparing for a mega concert called “Homecoming” in August to celebrate its win and return to normalcy after COVID-19 pandemic. The concert will be a week-long celebration and it is expected to feature multiple renowned artists.
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio told The New York Times, “This concert is going to be a once in a lifetime opportunity. It’s going to be an amazing lineup. The whole week is going to be like nothing you’ve ever seen before in New York City.”
The concert is tentatively scheduled for August 21 and is preparing to welcome nearly 60000 ticketed attendees. It is expected that the show will last three hours and will be broadcast around the country.
The famous veteran music producer Clive Davis is the man behind this super concert.Talking to the local news, he said, “There’s a mental attitude that I think we are all looking forward to. That the future is bright and healthy for this country, for the world and for New York City.”
The concert is all set to take place in the famous tourist attraction of NYC, the Central Park. The park’s Great Lawn will play host to the concert and the majority of tickets will be free but VIP spots will be for sale.
As per news sources, the audience will be divided into two categories, vaccinated and unvaccinated.
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