Nepal has decided to set an example for the world. The country has announced plans to convert tonnes of trash collected from Mount Everest into a piece of art. It will be put on display in a gallery and will educate the world on the need to save Everest from becoming a dumping site.
Recently, Nepal made a team of people and collected tonnes of garbage from the mountain. It mostly was a mix of torn tents, plastic bottles, oxygen bottles, ladders, cans and wrappers. Mountain climbers and trekkers leave a huge mess at the top and the adjoining regions. Trash has been collected from the peak which is 8848.86 m (29032 ft).
The art project director, Tommy Gustafsson, along with co-founder of the Sagarmatha Next Centre, said that several local and foreign artists will be involved in creating artwork from the collected waste materials. They will turn trash into treasure.
Gustafsson informed the media, “We want to showcase how you can transform solid waste to precious pieces of art… and generate employment and income. We hope to change the people’s perceptions about the garbage and manage it.”
The Centre is set at an elevation of 3780 m at Syangboche, which is also the main trail to the Everest Base Camp. Gustafsson said that the number of tourists will be limited because of pandemic restrictions. He further informed that that artwork and products created from trash will be put on display to raise environmental awareness.
The products will also be sold as souvenirs and the money collected shall go into conservation purposes.
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