The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued a red alert in Mumbai as Cyclone Nisarga approaches the coastal city. As per reports, this will be the first tropical cyclone to hit the state of Maharashtra in 129 years! Nisarga is a cyclonic storm that has turned into a deep depression and is now moving fast northwards in the Arabian Sea. The cyclone is expected to make a landfall in Maharashtra and Gujarat on Wednesday, June 3.
If the forecast tracks of developing Cyclonic Storm #Nisarga are correct it would be the first cyclonic storm to impact #Mumbai (#Bombay) in June going back to 1891. The last cyclone to impact Mumbai was Cyclonic Storm #Phyan back on 11 Nov, 2009.
— Jason Nicholls (@jnmet) June 1, 2020
Referring to this, the IMD department said, “It lay centred over East-Central Arabian Sea about 280 km west-southwest of Panjim (Goa), 490 km south-southwest of Mumbai (Maharashtra) and 710 km south-southwest of Surat (Gujarat)”.
The cyclone is expected to bring flash floods. The Central Water Commission (CWC) has already issued a warning regarding the same in areas like Thane, Mumbai, Ratnagiri, Palghar, Sindhudurg and Nashik. Also, tidal waves are expected to reach the coastal regions of north Maharashtra and south Gujarat during the afternoon of June 3.
The IMD further warned and stated, “It is very likely to move nearly northwards during the next six hours and recurve north-northeastward thereafter and cross north Maharashtra and adjoining south Gujarat coast between Harihareshwar (in Maharashtra’s Raigad) and Daman during the afternoon of June 3”.
The Low pressure area intensified into depression today morning. To intensify into a Cyclonic Storm and cross North Maharastra and South Gujarat coast during 3rd June evening/night.
— India Met. Dept. (@Indiametdept) June 1, 2020
Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thakrey has asked fishermen to stay away from the sea for some time for their own protection. The state government has already deployed teams of National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) at several risk zone areas, including in Palghar (two teams), Mumbai (three teams), Thane (one team), Raigad (two teams) and Ratnagiri (one team).
Further, the Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani has also deployed NDRF teams in Surat, Bharuch, Navsari, Dang and Valsad (all south Gujarat districts), Bhavnagar, and Amreli in Saurashtra.
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