While the humans under quarantine are staying at home these days, wild animals seem to be enjoying much-deserved freedom for themselves.
Till date, a Nilgai in Noida surprised us by showing up right in front of a plush shopping mall. On the other hand, a wild elephant from a nearby jungle made an appearance during a night in Haridwar, and even enjoyed a good bath in the cleaner water of Ganga a few days ago. CCTV footage also showed a herd of deer quietly walking in the eerie streets of Haridwar. Now recently, a pair of bears were discovered wandering in Tirumala town in Andhra Pradesh, which is famous for its Tirupati Temple.
Susanta Nanda, an Indian Forest Service (IFS) officer, posted a video of the bears exploring the streets of the town at night.
It’s a pair of bears strolling at Tirumala to see if everything is ok in gods abode😎 pic.twitter.com/ymljGNiL6L
— Susanta Nanda IFS (@susantananda3) April 16, 2020
The video shows two bears crossing an empty road. Wonder what address were they looking for? Nonetheless, the sight of the bears has been welcomed by the social media users and the video has created a stir on Twitter.Tirupati Temple is believed to be home to Lord Venkateshwara, an incarnation of Hindu deity Vishnu. It is also one of the richest shrines in India in terms of donations given by the devotees. For the first time in 128 years, the temple has been closed down for the devotees in the wake of Coronavirus pandemic.
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