Jibhi and Tirthan valleys in Himachal Pradesh’s Kullu district, known for being popular tourist hotspots, have decided to reopen for tourists from September 5, but with strict conditions in place.
Hotel owners, guesthouses and homestays in Jibhi and Tirthan valleys decided that they will allow tourists to book accommodation from September 5 only if advance booking is done for a minimum of 10 days.
Apart from this, there are other guidelines in places, such as those visiting these places would be required to carry a COVID-19 negative certificate that has been issued no more than 72 hours earlier. Further, visitors would need to spend five days in their selected accommodation, and then can spend the remaining five days for sightseeing along with a local guide. In Tirthan, visitors can even opt to go out for fishing from the third day. Hotel staff will also stay in the hotel premises, with no contact with the local community. However, visitors will not be allowed to travel in taxis.
Although many locals in both the areas are still not in favour of allowing tourists, hoteliers have assured them of utmost care to prevent the spread of Coronavirus. In this regard, Jibhi Valley Tourism Development Association President Lalit Kumar said that they will be following the state government SOPs, which they have, however, tweaked a bit to make it easy for visitors and will also ensure that the virus does not spread in the local community.
Kumar stressed on the fact that the residents rely on tourism either directly or indirectly, and that they have decided to open the area after much deliberations. He also added that they will ensure only genuine tourists reach these areas, i.e., who are ready to follow all the set guidelines.
Besides the 10-day booking condition, tourists will have to come by their own vehicles. Walk-in tourists will be denied booking, whereas hotels will be running at a maximum of 50 per cent booking.
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