Lahaul’s traditional Halda festival has kick-started in Lahaul-Spiti. The festival is celebrated by the natives of Gahar, Chandra, and Pattan valleys for a month.
Held every year in the second or third week of January, local participants sing songs and dance in merriment during the festival.
Halda Festival is similar to Diwali, and starts on a full moon day. It is primarily dedicated to Shishkar Apa, who is believed to be the goddess of wealth in the Lamaistic pantheon. The Lamas chose a certain site to light a massive bonfire, and people assemble at this place with Halda, which are basically lit-up torches made of cedar twigs.

The festival is meant to propitiate the local gods to seek their blessings for better crop production in spring, and also to keep evil forces at bay. It is believed that during winter the deities leave the mountains for their heavenly abode. During this period, the bad spirits multiply in the valley to give trouble to the local people. Such festivals not only help the natives to reduce the problems they face during extreme winter, but also help in preserving their traditions and customs.
Exotic cocktails, awe-inspiring dances, good food, and bliss make this fest an occasion to remember. People from other parts of the state also join in the celebrations.
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