The world, during COVID-19, is a lot different than it was before and it is bound to remain so for some time in the future. The Netherlands has found a way to make living in this world a bit easier, thanks to the idea of glass booths for dining. A Dutch restaurant has adapted to the idea of social distancing and has created outdoor glass cabins for two or three people. So now, you can go out for a meal and sit in this intimate dining booth.
The Mediamatic ETEN restaurant is currently conducting trials for this new concept with friends and family; it does look like a classy new way of going out on a date or catching up with friends. The glass booths look really cosy, and if you can come with some really quality food, you have a winner here.

The project is being called Serres Separees, or Separate Greenhouses by the organisers.
The organisers are working out the minute details of this brand new experience, such as the way they can do the cleaning, or how they are going to do the service. They are also looking at the way they are going to empty out the plates in a way that looks professional. The idea is to make diners comfortable and to remain safe.
Restaurants in the Netherlands are shut until May 19, but you can order from home. The Netherlands currently has a total of 42093 cases of coronavirus, with 5359 total deaths.
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