Italy’s most sought-after tourist destination, Venice, which attracts thousands of tourists each month, is now looking cleaner than ever. According to the reports and images surfacing online, the beautiful city canals are now much clearer than before. In fact, the canals now have tiny fishes swimming around in the water.
Though the whole of Italy is currently in lockdown, and the usually crowded streets of Venice are now completely empty, the waterways look much more attractive than before. A Facebook page, called Venezia Pulita (Clean Venice), is full of pictures and comments from users relating to this.
Some people are saying that the virus has, after all, resulted in something beautiful. Venice now has clear skies, and cleaner waters. With way less traffic on the canal, the sediment settles on the ground, which is making the water look cleaner. Venice is also experiencing better air quality currently.

Many destinations across Europe were facing the wrath of tourism as overcrowding had become a major issue. Historical cities such as Rome had placed a string of rules and regulations for tourists. Venice too was facing massive overcrowding in the past months, prior to the coronavirus outbreak. In fact, last year, the authorities were educating tourists in travel decorum, and how not to behave in the city of Venice.
Right now, as Italy faces one of its worst days in recent years, the city is ridden of those over-enthusiastic tourists, and everything looks anew. Perhaps, this is the beginning of a new era.
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