Uttarakhand Chief Minister Tirath Singh Rawat has directed the officials to complete the Char Dham Yatra arrangements by April 30. A statement on the same by the state government read, “No laxity will be tolerated towards the work. Speed of the work shall be enhanced.”
The statement further added that the CM will be reviewing the arrangements himself. He also added that while ensuring that the work is completed within the set timeline, there shouldn’t be any compromise on quality. He will be conducting a terrestrial inspection of the works, and directed all secretaries to also periodically inspect the progress of work in their departments.
Mr Rawat also added that work on road improvement needs to be completed before the Char Dham Yatra starts, regarding which a press release from the state government has also been issued, which reads, “Road-related work should be completed in time on the travel routes and its adjoining areas as well. To facilitate the journey, adequate arrangements for drinking water, sanitation, signages and other basic facilities should be made on the travel routes.”
Reportedly, passengers can now avail the option of helicopter service without any hassle for the Char Dham Yatra. Regarding this, Rawat emphasised that online arrangements should be in place, whereas special attention needs to be paid to ensure there is transparency in ticket distribution.
The release also added that early action plans need to be chalked out for arranging water ATMs on travel routes, and adequate arrangement of water tankers on travel routes.
The CM further added that in view of the travel season, authorities should ensure that all arrangements are in place with regard to health facilities in the dhams and travel routes. He also added proper arrangements should be in place for regular ambulance and heli-ambulance service, along with proper arrangements of ICUs, oxygen, and ventilators.
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