As per the news reports, Uttarakhand’s Corbett and Rajaji tiger reserves will be opening for eco-tourism, but with strict conditions in place. Officials in the know-how informed that Uttarakhand Chief Wildlife Warden Rajiv Bharti has given his consent to reopen these reserves, but certain conditions need to be in place.
The tiger reserves were shut down for visitors due to COVID-19 lockdown. The officials reported that the permission to reopen these reserves is subject to strict guidelines that have been issued by the Centre and state governments to contain spread of the Coronavirus.
All eco-tourists, drivers, and guides will be screened at the entry points of the reserves. Officials informed that if anybody’s body temperature is found to be higher than normal, they would be immediately isolated and would be taken to the nearest health facility.
As regarding other mandates, everyone is expected to wear face masks, maintain proper social distancing, and sanitizing vehicles for eco-tourism activities would be a must at the parks.
Reportedly, both Corbett and Rajaji tiger reserves will remain open for just a few days before closing for monsoons.
Both the reserves banned all tourist activities earlier in a bid to contain any further spread of Coronavirus. It was done not only for the safety of the visitors, but also for the employees and staff.
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