Puerto Rico is all set to welcome back tourists from July 15, but with all health and safety measures in place. It is part of the island’s four-phased reopening plan.
With this step, Puerto Rico will join the expanding list of Caribbean islands opening up for tourism. However, Puerto Rico never closed its borders to the citizens of the United States, or foreign nationals who hadn’t been to Iran, China, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Brazil, or any of the European Schengen area in the previous 14 days.
During all this time, a 14-day quarantine rule was applied on anyone who was flying into Puerto Rico, along with other stringent lockdown measures, which meant that tourists were discouraged from visiting the island.
Reportedly, Puerto Rico Governor Wanda Vázquez recently announced that from now on, travellers who can show negative COVID-19 test results, which were obtained 72 hours prior to arrival, will not be required to undergo quarantine.

Apart from submitting a travel declaration form provided by the Puerto Rico Health Department, anyone entering Puerto Rico on or after July 15 will be required to provide proof of negative molecular tests, obtained 72 hours prior to arrival. No other type of test will be accepted, including the antibody ones, which requires a blood drawn or a finger stick.
Also, upon arrival, those who do not have test results available, or test positive, or refuse to submit to testing upon arrival, will be required to undergo quarantine for 14 days. Not only this, they will also have to bear the expenses of their own medical and extended stay. Referring to this, Puerto Rico Health Secretary Lorenzo Gonzalez said that anyone who wishes to be released from quarantine, they will be required to undergo a molecular test and share the negative results with the government.
He added, “If you don’t want to be tested, stay home. Don’t come here and complicate our situation.”
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