Jamnagar in Gujarat will soon feature world’s one of the largest zoos. The announcement of setting up ‘Greens Zoological Rescue and Rehabilitation Kingdom’ by Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) in Jamnagar district was made by MK Das, Additional Chief Secretary to the chief minister at the virtual conference on Friday.
The secretary said that Jamnagar will have “one of the world’s biggest zoos” that will be spread over 250 acres. He said, “As we all know the world’s tallest statue is in Gujarat (the Statue of Unity at Kevadia). Now, one of the world’s biggest zoos, in terms of number and species of animals at oneplace, is coming up very shortly in Jamnagar.”
As per the plan shared by the Central Zoo Authority (CZA), the zoo will have conservation and breeding regions, water bodies, interpretation centre, rescue and rehabilitation centre. Also the place will have areas for enclosures for wild and exotic animals from Gujarat. There will be rodents, dragons and lizards too from across the country.
Gujarat’s Chief Minister Vijay Rupani said, the state alone is responsible for 53 percent of the country’s total lion. FDI and that currently more than 100 of Fortune Five Hundred companies are operating in Gujarat.
The centre will feature exotic animals, such as zebra, Jaguar, ostrich, kangaroo, giraffe, white rhino, African lion, chimpanzees, cheetah, African elephant, gorillas, and Komodo dragons, to name a few.
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