In a bid to boost safe travel in India, the Indian Hotels Company (IHCL, South Asia’s largest hospitality firm) has introduced the #TravelForIndia campaign. The campaign launched on the occasion of World Tourism Day is all about boosting local travel and generating employment in the country. It was launched with a special video, celebrating the diversity of India.
Because of the pandemic this year, the travel and tourism sector suffered huge losses. Nearly the first six months of the year saw the lockdown, and people have been cautious about travelling and the government is still trying to figure out ways to contain the virus.
It is only now that people have started venturing out very carefully. The hotels and resorts are welcoming travellers by assuring them all the safety and comfort.
The campaign is in line with the Indian government’s
Vocal for Local vision and promotes safe travel within the country. The main motive of the campaign is to help rebuild the tourism and hospitality sector in India.
Puneet Chhatwal, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, IHCL, said that the travel and hospitality industry is among the most important sector, which contributes more than 8 per cent of the country’s total employment and generates over 4 crore jobs. In the ongoing pandemic, this is one of the most affected sectors. The
Travel for India initiative promotes and supports responsible travel by showcasing people dedicated to making tourism in India an experience to remember.
“It reiterates IHCL’s commitment to support the revival efforts of the sector, whilst conveying the far-reaching social impact each traveller’s journey can make,” said Mr. Chhatwal in a press statement.
This year, the theme for World Tourism Day was domestic and rural tourism, and #TravelForIndia also aims to make people aware about the significance of domestic tourism and its effect on livelihoods.
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