If you want to take isolation to a new level, this entire village is up for sale


If you want to take isolation to a new level, this entire village is up for sale

Amid the Coronavirus scare, travel restrictions and social distancing has become the new norm. However, with time, lockdowns are being eased, whereas many countries are also opening up the borders to facilitate travel. All said and done, the question regarding when will this pandemic end, or the world might have to face a fresh wave of COVID-19 still looms large.

Amid all this, if anyone is seeking to find a place for isolation for some time, there is this village that is up for sale.

As per the latest news reports, Sweden’s Satra Brunn is up for sale for a little more than $7 million. Here, there would be no problem for space in this small spa town in the south of Sweden. Reportedly, Christie’s Industrial Real Estate recently put up this bid, which includes the entire village, and all the buildings that are located within its limits.

If you want to take isolation to a new level, this entire village is up for sale

Reportedly, Satra Brunn’s history dates back to the very beginning of the 18th century, when Doctor Samuel Skragge bought this land. The hamlet is home to a holistic research treatment centre, and is built on top of an underground spring. The offer to buy this village is too good to miss.

Apart from the insane bragging rights that will come along with owning your own village, the winner will also walk away with 62 acres of scenic land, along with over 70 buildings in the town, many of which were built using locally sourced timber. Among other structures are numerous historical residential spaces, which only need minor work as per the current owners.

The village, since its discovery, has served as a retreat for aristocrats and others alike. It was mainly used as a space for recreation.

The original offer window lasted till May 31, 2020. However, due to the Coronavirus outbreak, the offer has been pushed till August 16.

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