Delhi borders will open from June 8. This was announced by Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. He, however, said that banquet halls and hotels will remain closed, and malls, restaurants, and places of worship will open. The Chief Minister reiterated that banquet halls and hotels will not resume as of now as they might need to convert them into hospitals in the coming times. However, facilities that are in the containment zones will not resume operations as yet.
While addressing a press conference, the Delhi Chief Minister urged people to keep following social distancing and other precautionary measures as relaxations do not mean that Coronavirus disease has ended. He asked senior citizens to observe extra caution, and reduce interaction with even family members and others, especially children, as much as possible, as they are more susceptible to the virus.
The Chief Minister also mentioned that Delhi hospitals will now only cater to Coronavirus patients from the national capital, and that the government hospitals in Delhi will not serve patients from other parts of the country for a few days.
Reportedly, private hospitals that provide specialised surgeries will cater to patients from everywhere.
Regarding Delhi hospital catering to only residents of Delhi, Arvid Kejriwal stated that more than 90 per cent people want Delhi hospitals to treat patients from the national capital during the Coronavirus pandemic. Hence, the decision was made that the private and government hospitals will be treating patents only from the national capital as of now.
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