A draft of Standard Operating Procedures with instructions on restarting commercial airlines in India is now out. One of the highlights according to the new airline rules is the ban on cabin baggage. The Indian aviation sector that has been grounded due to the spread of the Coronavirus is now looking to reopen in the coming days. But, needless to say, the operations will be a whole lot different than we are used to.
The draft standard operating procedures have been proposed by the Civil Aviation Ministry. So, apart from the barring of cabin baggage, yet another rule says that passengers above the age of 80 years will not be permitted in flights. Also, passengers are expected to reach at least two hours before their flights, while there will not be any identity checks at the entry gates. This has been done in order to keep passengers at a safe distance from each other.
However, passengers will be permitted to do web check-in; one must be aware of the baggage limitations that have been set by the airline they are flying. Additionally, passengers also must download the Aarogya Setu app in order to travel, and only those passengers with Green Status on the app would be permitted entry into the airport. The draft has also suggested that the passengers who are denied from boarding due to high temperature, or their age, must be given an alternative date of travel without any penalties.
There will be temperature checks at the boarding gates. Inside the aircraft, you will not be served any meals during this time, but water will be provided.
As per the document, regulations have been suggested for pilots and cabin attendants as well. It is the ministry’s suggestion that the same set of crew should be rostered on a flight for as long as possible. This has been suggested in order to reduce the risk of infection.
Every flight must keep the last three rows vacant so as to allow isolation of those passengers who develop any medical condition mid-air. Also, crew members shall be adequately protected with equipment.
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