India’s national carrier, Air India, has started taking international bookings for those who wish to travel to London, Singapore and select places in the US from India. The airline spokesperson said that the flights would operate between May 8 and May 14 only.
The statement released by the airline said that all those, who wish to travel from India to London, Singapore and select destinations in the USA on Air India flights operating between May 8 and May 14, can start booking.
It further read, “Passengers are requested to read the eligibility criteria carefully as available on the link and proceed further for booking only if they meet the same.”
Meanwhile, the Vande Bharat flight mission will begin from Kochi to Abu Dhabi, Delhi to Singapore and Calicut to Dubai on Thursday. Also, the first flight scheduled under this mission will also bring back Indians struck in Singapore.
Air India will be following the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and has already tested all its pilots and crew members for the Coronavirus. Results are expected to arrive by Thursday.
As per reports, the airline would operate 64 ferry services to help the passengers in the other countries. The airline and its subsidiary, Air India Express, together will help people reach their home in this mission from May 8 – 14.
Who is eligible?
Indian and foreign nationals with a valid visa of minimum one year of the country.
Green Card/OCI Cardholders.
Health workers with valid permits are also eligible for booking on these flights.
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