Let me introduce the three stars of this story. From left to right: Louie (The Toothpick) Cujo, Sassy(The Diva) Sassafras and Crazy Boy Champ (The Chewin’ Chihuahua). Louie and Champ are three years old and experiencing their first road trip ever. Sassy is 13 years old and a world traveler who belongs to my travel buddy, Martha. This would be the first time traveling with all the dogs and we hoped Sassy would teach them well. For any extended travel, nothing beats the Okkatots Travel Depot in my opinion. But for general running around or day trips, you might not need the extensive features of the Travel Depot, then check out the Backpack Diaper Bags article for everyday baby backpacks.
Absolutely brilliant lens. Being a guy who loves to travel, I have thought about purchasing many of the items which you listed and then you gave me some more ideas. It is very important that travel and tourism should benefit the local people and their occupation.
Meat, eggs, cereal, potatoes and onions are examples of healthy, filling and versatile foods. It is just amazing how much you can get into it; lots of diapers, changes of clothes, formula, bottles, a receiving blanket, toys for baby. For mom and dad, there are compartments for a wallet, snacks, DVD player and more.
Great Hub! Photos are fantastic. The last time I was at the Grand Canyon was summer of 1998. I think I would like to go back. Tip: there’s an easy-to-miss chest in the woods on the left just after meeting Rikku. But there IS a way to get them if you missed any! See the Al Bhed Compilation Sphere Tip!
When we flew with our dog Angus to the Phil. we have given him a little food and water a few hours before going to the airport which was 2 hours drive. Then we let him peed and made his big business before checking in. It was adviced by our vet not to sedate him so that he could control himself in case he had to pee or so. Besides that Angus was already trained for a long hours of travel in Europe. I suggest, start training your pet prior to your travel. Thanks for your comment. You are always welcome to visit my writing. Good luck to your travel with your shihtzu.
You will need to contact them by email and they will send you the writing guidelines. Aventura Magazine is targeted at affluent clients. They want travel articles but not opinions. They will pay $250 for an article. You will need to send a query first.